The Holy Sacraments are an important aspect of the life and growth of the individual person. They connect us and make real, the life giving force of our God. They bring comfort to troubled hearts and joy to those who are humble. The Holy Sacraments bind us together with the family of St. Mary's Parish and the Universal Roman Catholic Church.
The Holy Sacraments guide us into the very center of the life of God!
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the Second Saturday of every month following 1:00 PM. The parents must make arrangements with the Rectory Office.
PARENTS AND GODPARENTS MUST attend a Baptismal Instruction Class on the first Sunday of the month in the Seniors Room on the lower level of the Church, following 10:30 AM Mass.
First Holy Communion is the most memorable and life changing of Sacraments not only for the child, but also for the entire family.
This Holy Sacrament is celebrated through our Parish Religious Education Program.
The Sacrament of Confirmation seals the individual with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
It enables the you live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Please contact our Parish Religious Education Office for more information.
The Holy Sacrament of Marriage is one of the beautiful and at the same time, most sacred Sacraments. Just like Holy Orders, this Sacrament is for life. Therefore, arrangements must be made with St. Mary's Parish ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE. All couples must attend a Pre-Cana Session or a Marriage Encounter Weekend. Also, they must take the FOCCUS Inventory. It is beneficial if the Bride or Groom is a registered parishioner of St. Mary of Ostrabrama.
This Holy Sacrament serves two purposes. First, the Anointing of the Sick is given to those who are experiencing illness in body, soul and/or mind. It serves to strengthen the soul by the Light of the Holy Spirit. Second, the Last Rites are given to those who are close or are in danger of death.
Please call the Office at any time to schedule an appointment or to have Father come to your residence.
Jesus Christ calls each one of us to enter deeply into God's Love thorugh His Most Merciful Heart because "God's will is love and mercy itself."
This Sacrament is celebrated from 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon every Saturday. Should you be unable to attend at this time please call the Rectory Office to make other arrangements.