The Holy Name Society is committed to helping its members grow in holiness through devotion to the Most Holy Name of Jesus.
Our Society is dedicated to the spiritual and social formation of its members. Our primary objective is to help our Pastor, our Parish Ministries, and our Parishioners.
The Holy Name Society is comprised of Faithful Catholic Men who uphold the
Dignity and the Honor of the Holy Name of Jesus. St. Mary's Holy Name Society
spans almost a century of dedication. These men serve the Parish in many of it's
Ministries such as, Ushers, Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers just to name a few.
These men hold their Communion Mass and Breakfast at the 8:30 AM Mass on every Second-Sunday of the Month and meet regularly on the Second Wednesday of each Month starting at 7:00 PM. If you are a Parishioner 18 Years and over, please come and join this group of Great Men!
The Holy Altar Rosary Society is comprised of Faithful Catholic Women who consecrate themselves to the Rosary and to St. Mary's Altar. Their loving care, concern and dedication is unparalleled. They take a very active role in the life of this "Jewel of South River" by serving in many of the Parish Ministries and Organizations. Their care and service extends beyond the Parish boundaries reaching out to local Communities. These wonderful women hold their Communion Mass, Breakfast and Meeting on the First-Sunday of each Month beginning at 8:00 AM with the recitation of the Most Holy Rosary before the 8:30 AM Mass. If you are 18-Years of age or older, please come and join this faithful and loving Society.
The St. Mary's Seniors Group is a group of very lively men and women age 55 and over who truly enjoy each others company by sharing their love and their lives with St. Mary's Parish, as well as one another. They meet regularly on Monday's of each month. Their gatherings serve to foster unity, friendship and faith. They enjoy many social events, for instance, refreshments, bingo, New Brunswick State Theater Shows, breakfasts, dinner outings, High Tea, etc... The highlights of this St. Mary's Group are May Crowning, Anointing and Memorial Masses. If you are interested, please join them and you will not be disappointed in the amount of joy and laughter they truly share.
Ushers are good men and women of great character who greet Parishioners, visitors, family and friends as they enter our beautiful Church for Mass or other Services. They escort those who need to find a seat or find their family members. These men and women express their joy that resides in their heats, in their smiles and their welcoming. They also assist in taking up the collections and distributing Bulletins and other materials. If you feel called to this joyful group, please Email, call or stop by the Rectory Office. We need your assistance to make our "Jewel of South River!" the most beautiful and joyful place by word and example.